Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Neutering Cats

According to the PDSA Well Being report 2012, there was an estimated 11.9million cats in the UK. That’s a staggering number of cats and will grow uncontrollably if cats are left un-neutered.

Female cats can get pregnant from as young as 4months old! There is no benefit to allowing a cat to have a litter before neutering; it will only result in more kittens looking for homes. Most rescue centres including the Cats Protection are currently over flowing due to the large number of strays and unwanted cats and kittens in the country.

Male cats left un-neutered will roam and as a result are more likely to get knocked over by cars or get in fights with other cats. Fighting other cats can result in infections such as FIV and FeLV as well as developing abscesses.

At Gibson and Jones we recommend neutering cats from 5months old as long as they are otherwise healthy. Female cats are most likely to start coming into season around February/March (as their ovulation is linked to the seasons) so it is advised that any cat older than 5 months old is neutered.

Both cat spays and cat castrates are routine procedures undertaken under general anaesthetic.

To book your cat in for neutering or to enquire about pricing please contact us at our Gowerton branch (01792 879822). Don’t forget that we offer 25% discount on microchips that are implanted whilst under anaesthetic.

Evie and Dory relaxing post-spay when they were younger.

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